Sunday, October 30, 2011

2 year photo shoot

I was hoping to get a few good shots of my girl for her 2 year pics, and ended up with a ton!

We "practiced" a couple days before Mikenna's shoot in her room.
 She loves the camera and as soon as I pull it out she starts giggling.

A few days later we went out to a park/nature preserve near our house.
It ended up being HOT but Kenna was a trooper.
Ready for picture overload?
Apologies... I just love them all! 
A quick wardrobe change... what's a photo shoot without a tutu?
Do you want to pinch those cheeks as much as I do?
I couldn't ask for a more perfect 2 year old to photograph running through the woods in a tutu.
Thanks for cooperating and showing me all the beauty the world has to offer, pretty girl.


  1. Cutest girl!
    (This is Hayley's mom, Elizabeth.)

  2. love the last one of her walking down the road. :)
