Saturday, February 16, 2013

One Month Old

Keegan Bryce, how can you possibly be one month old already?
This has been the fastest month of my life.
Maybe it's because it's the second child, but wow this month has flown by!
He is growing like a little weed, and definitely following in his sister's very tall footsteps.
At his 3 week appointment he had already grown 1 3/4 inches!
He is still very skinny but I feel like all I do is feed the boy, so hopefully he will chunk up soon.
My only concern is the amount that he has been spitting up lately.
We are starting to worry about infant reflux.
He spits up 2-3 times between each feeding at least.
Hopefully he will be what is called a "happy spitter" and we won't have to worry about it, but I can't help but worry about having to put him on meds, or having his sweet happy personality take a turn for the worse. (We are really hoping this is just a laundry issue.)
But, for the mean time, he is still such a happy baby.
He is content most of the time, a great sleeper, and rarely cries. 
He wakes up typically 1-2 times a night...usually around 1-3 and 4-6 to eat.
He goes to bed with us at night and has been sleeping on a pillow in between us since it's been so cold.
He is already rolling over from belly to back (he started that at 2 weeks...crazy! I guess that's what happens when you overcook em in utero)
We have actually already gotten a few smiles out of this boy too (so early!)
He eats every 1 1/2-2 hours during the day... and I'm feeling like a cow.
How do you possibly forget how time consuming a newborn is between kids? 
It's still an adjustment period having the two kids mainly because Keegan is constantly eating.
Luckily Mikenna is so independent and easy, she has been so good at entertaining herself or playing a quiet activity with me while I'm nursing. 
We all feel so blessed to have this boy in our family.
If every newborn were this easygoing, everyone would have a million babies.

Happy 1 month my sweet boy!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Have I mentioned how much more fun holidays are when you have kids?
I really could care less about Valentine's Day (I mean except for the cool candy that comes out of course).
But it's a great excuse to dress up my babies, take some pictures, make red and pink heart food all day long,  and do some fun crafts.
Kenna actually calls it "love day," and we have to tell everyone we see that we love them about every 5 minutes (Kenna rules).

We got dressed up in our red and pink outfits and I took a couple of pictures of the kids (it's still weird pluralizing that).
Keegan's striped wall is currently my favorite wall in the house so that made a perfect backdrop. 
 They melt my heart...
...and I can NOT believe how fast this boy is growing. SLOW DOWN please!

I ended up printing some cute cards with their pictures:
Gah... I love my littles.

Kenna enjoyed passing out Tinkerbell Valentines at school this year for the first time (I was too lazy to make homemade ones this year... next year I'm on it for sure.)
She came home from school with a huge bag of goodies. (Ryan and I may or may not have already put a dent in the candy in that bag.)

Ryan brought me home flowers and a sweet card even though he knows I really don't care if he gets me anything. 
I do love the thought, and love that he ignores my demands to ignore the day.
Who doesn't like getting flowers?

And if you're wondering if my kids just easily pose for the camera, here's your answer:
I've got about 15 images with this lovely smile Kenna's got goin on here.
Thanks to candy bribery they don't all look like this!

Happy Love Day!