Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hoppy Easter!

I'm not sure any other child has ever loved the Easter Bunny as much as miss Mikenna.
I promised myself I would never force my kids to it on any laps... Santa, Easter Bunny... nope.
While we were walking past the Easter Bunny at the mall one day Mikenna got extremely excited.
I asked her if she wanted to sit on his lap and she furiously shook her head "yes!"
The look on her face when she was sitting next to that bunny was hilarious.
She loved him, we had to pry her fingers off of his, literally.
All the people working at the little bunny kiosk were laughing. Have you ever seen a child cry to LEAVE the bunny? Me either.
After this happened I got really excited for Easter day!
We decided that we would do somewhat big presents for Easter,  since she has such a long break between Christmas and her birthday.
The Easter Bunny brought Mikenna a folding slide for inside and outside, and a basket with some candy, a bunny, and her first Barbie!
Ryan and I were so excited to see her face in the morning we could hardly sleep!
She came downstairs saying, "Side?" Siiiiiide?!" and quickly hopped up and discovered the fruit snacks the bunny had left for her.
Even "baby" got turns on the slide.

Mikenna quickly caught on to our little egg hunt we had set up...
She loves anything that includes sorting and putting things into baskets, so I figured she would have fun.
Once she discovered that most of the eggs had "N-M's" (M&M's) in them, she started really hunting.
That's my girl!

After our fun morning we got ready and headed out to Grandma and Grandpa's house for another egg hunt and a yummy dinner.
As soon as she got hold of that basket she was saying, "Eggs, eggs? Pease!"
We had to help her stay focused, but she found quite a few eggs on her own! :)

We spent the rest of the day relaxing and spending time with family.
We are lucky enough to have lots of babies and kids around.
It's so fun watching the little cousins grow and play together!
Cutest little blondies ever.

Holidays have a whole new meaning with a little one around, I love it.
It's like being a kid and being excited all over again.
Hoppy Easter everyone!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bunny Eggs

I have been looking forward to every holiday this year.
It isn't Mikenna's first holidays, but it's the first time we really get to do all the fun stuff...
Like dye eggs for Easter!
I LOVE dyeing eggs, and couldn't wait to show Mikenna how.
She kept saying "bunny eggs?" 
Yep... eggs for the big bunny!
(Ok so we just made egg salad and ate these ones this year. Maybe next year she won't throw every egg like a ball, and then the Easter Bunny can hide our dyed eggs).
She caught on pretty quick, and loved it.
I think her favorite part was the glitter, although she put most of it on the newspaper instead of the eggs. 
(A+ for effort Kenna.)
She is my girl, loves anything artsy already.
She colored on a few with the wax crayon, but kept looking at me confused when she couldn't see her coloring on the eggs. 
Her scribbled eggs were my favorite.
We put stickers on some of the eggs that dried quickly.
She did really well and was able to put them on herself, and they were really little stickers!
I was pretty impressed with those small motor skills!
The final product.
Not too shabby for a 17 month old, huh?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

I love watching my little one sleep.
I never really understood this until I had my own baby.
Something about watching YOUR child sleep... it's just amazing.
I usually only get to see her on the video monitor.
She never sleeps with us and very rarely falls asleep on us,
and as soon as I touch her door she is wide awake and ready to go!
I had to wake her up this morning to go to Reno for my Aunt Madeline's funeral...
I opened her door and for one of the first times ever she kept sleeping.
So, I did what anyone would do... I ran and grabbed the camera!
This is her favorite sleeping position, booty in the air.
I love it, so stinking cute!
Wish I didn't have to wake up my sweet little sleeping beauty!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bouncing Fun

We went to Bounce-O-Palace with Joanna and little miss Hannah today!
It has jump houses and climbing stuff for older kids, 
but it also has a couple of toddler areas too (yay!)
There are a bunch of mats, balls, blocks, and little animals and rocking toys.
There is a smaller bounce house but Mikenna refused to really go in and just wanted to play and slide down on the part where you climb in. Go figure.
She loved the everything else though!
There is a cool little maze area that the girls both loved!
And under the bigger kids climbing area Mikenna discovered a spot where she could run around in circles and mommy could chase her! Always her favorite game.
Haha.. found you!
The princesses eventually discovered the thrones of course:
We had a fun day.
When Mikenna is a little bit older and can actually use the bounce houses and the big slide it will be fun to come back!
Or maybe before... I got a nice little nap time afterwards :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I heart picnics in the park... and spring!

I love, love, love lazy Sundays.
Favorite. Thing. Ever.
Mikenna and I took Ryan to our NEW favorite park for a picnic!
Kenna FINALLY decided that she likes chocolate chip cookies while we were eating lunch.
Thank goodness, I was starting to wonder whose child she was!
Slides are definitely the new fave.
Every morning recently Mikenna asks me "Pah (park) maymi? siiiide? Pease!"
Up and down, up and down...
We are asking the Easter Bunny for a slide for our house.
Fingers crossed that he comes through!

This park has a cool little pit area filled with wood chips where the kids can play and dig.
It's pretty cool... Mikenna loves it.
We usually bring some buckets and shovels with us and she's a happy girl!
I think Daddy enjoyed it more than anyone...
Such focus working that backhoe!

Sunshine and days with my little family make me happy!