Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bunny Eggs

I have been looking forward to every holiday this year.
It isn't Mikenna's first holidays, but it's the first time we really get to do all the fun stuff...
Like dye eggs for Easter!
I LOVE dyeing eggs, and couldn't wait to show Mikenna how.
She kept saying "bunny eggs?" 
Yep... eggs for the big bunny!
(Ok so we just made egg salad and ate these ones this year. Maybe next year she won't throw every egg like a ball, and then the Easter Bunny can hide our dyed eggs).
She caught on pretty quick, and loved it.
I think her favorite part was the glitter, although she put most of it on the newspaper instead of the eggs. 
(A+ for effort Kenna.)
She is my girl, loves anything artsy already.
She colored on a few with the wax crayon, but kept looking at me confused when she couldn't see her coloring on the eggs. 
Her scribbled eggs were my favorite.
We put stickers on some of the eggs that dried quickly.
She did really well and was able to put them on herself, and they were really little stickers!
I was pretty impressed with those small motor skills!
The final product.
Not too shabby for a 17 month old, huh?


  1. pretty pretty eggs kenna! i'm so bummed i missed out on easter eggs this year. can we make some in july?
