Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

I love watching my little one sleep.
I never really understood this until I had my own baby.
Something about watching YOUR child sleep... it's just amazing.
I usually only get to see her on the video monitor.
She never sleeps with us and very rarely falls asleep on us,
and as soon as I touch her door she is wide awake and ready to go!
I had to wake her up this morning to go to Reno for my Aunt Madeline's funeral...
I opened her door and for one of the first times ever she kept sleeping.
So, I did what anyone would do... I ran and grabbed the camera!
This is her favorite sleeping position, booty in the air.
I love it, so stinking cute!
Wish I didn't have to wake up my sweet little sleeping beauty!


  1. lol...I just posted a pic of my little sleeping beauty too....we're on to something lady!

  2. so precious. it's crazy how much more she actually looks like a baby when she sleeps. i think thats why it's so fascinating. one minute she chatting away, the next, conked out with her booty booty booty booty rockin' err'where.
