Friday, May 25, 2012

My Little Gymnast

Mikenna loves, and I mean LOVES gymnastics.
She's always been an extremely active kid, and I knew when she started walking/climbing everything in sight that it was probably something she would enjoy.
We started classes at Tricks in Granite Bay when she was 18 months old and it has been her favorite thing to do ever since!
We were out of town for her first Gymnastics show so I was beyond excited for her Spring show!
Daddy went in to work late so he could come with us and watch (aka be my photographer... thanks babe!)
Because she isn't 3 yet she does a mommy and me class so I get to join in on the fun.

The show started with a parade.
Then there was an obstacle course set up for them to show off everything they have learned, followed by some trampoline time.
My little independent thing wanted to do everything herself. (shocking)
Mr. Andrew was there to help the kids walk backwards on a large balance beam but Kenna insisted on doing it without his help. (and she did it!)
I have seen a huge difference in her confidence and abilities since we started.
She will try anything once, and she keeps trying until she masters it. 
She loves her coach, Mr. Andrew. He is a huge reason we stuck with the gym.
He is so good with all the kids and Kenna really trusts him. 

At the end of the show the kids got to step up and get a ribbon.
As outgoing as she is, she always gets a little shy in front of a lot of people.
I love that shy face.
We were those crazy parents that stuck around to take a million pictures and take in the moment... we are just so proud of our girl!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

To My Favorite Girl at Two and a Half

Two and a half years old already, how is that possible?
Miss Mikenna, you have brought so much joy to everyone around you.
You are becoming funnier by the day.
You love to tell jokes and will do anything to make us laugh.
You are stubborn and strong, yet you want to make everyone happy.
You are my mini, 100%. (even if you do look like your Daddy)
You are constantly thinking and asking questions, you are so curious about everything.
You are shy and quiet in new situations, but you quickly open up and will chat anyone's ear off.
You have a love for all things girly, but you also love to play and wrestle with Daddy.
You are more than I could have ever hoped for... I only hope we can give you everything you deserve.
You will be something amazing someday, there is no doubt about it.
I can already see the drive in your eyes.
No matter where you go or what you do, I hope you never try to change who you are.
You are such an amazing little human already, there is nothing in this world more incredible than watching you grow.
We love you to the moon and back, sweet girl.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Time at the Beach

Is there anything better than our yearly week long vacation to Santa Cruz?
All 3 of us are beach people, there really is nothing like spending a week in the sand.
Mikenna picked out a ton of beach toys and we spent most of the week playing in the sand and the water.
On Thursday and Friday we woke up, waited for the fog to clear, and headed to the beach to spend the rest of the day (well, until Mikenna couldn't keep her eyes open, then we headed back for a nap.)
The house we stayed in is right across from the beach and the boardwalk, it's so nice being able to walk everywhere!
We built about 100 sand castles (and by we, I mean Ryan and me... Mikenna just liked knocking them down)
I think I enjoy this vacation so much because we get to spend so much distraction free time together. 
Just us and the ocean...
...and about a billion beach toys.
I have not been feeling so hot, (hellooooo first trimester!) so I was so, SO thankful for Ryan taking Mikenna to play in the water and letting me lay on the beach and attempt to forget my nausea.
And I did a lot of that.
Mikenna ran, and ran, and ran.
Have I mentioned how much this kid runs? Seriously... track star in the making. 
(With an occasional pause for a model pose.)
She also chased every seagull she could find (more running.)
And I spent time just watching and photographing her. 
Perfect days.

I swear we did other things besides lay on the beach...
We went to see the sea lions a few times (my favorite)
And we took Kenna to the Boardwalk to ride the rides and play games on Saturday when everything opened.
She loved the rides this year and rode every single one she was able to.
I think we rode the carousel about 10 times. 
And Ryan had fun in the arcade teaching her all about video games...
Pete and repeat.

Heather, Randy and the boys came up on Saturday morning and spent some time with us on the Boardwalk.
On Sunday (Mother's Day) we all got some yummy burgers and headed to a more private beach to lay in the sand.
Heather and I have decided this will be our Mother's Day tradition....
Nothing in the world I would rather do than lay on the beach!
 Even better, the kids completely entertained themselves.
Jackson dug Mikenna a hole to sit in and she spent about an hour in there with her toys.
Jackson made himself a beach chair out of sand...
...and Domi and Mikenna dug some more holes.
Yes please.

Grammy and Aitachi met us back at the house that afternoon and we put Mikenna in her "big sister" shirt and waited for them to notice.
It took Grammy a minute to figure it out but once she caught on she started crying, we are all so excited!
We celebrated with a yummy dinner on the water with all of us watching the sunset, a great way to end the day!

The next day we headed back to the beach one last time to play.
We didn't last long with an exhausted 2 year old, but after a long nap we dragged Grammy and Aitachi back with us for a walk on the beach before dinner.
 There's those holes again.
Kenna LOVES her Grammy and Aitachi and it's nice to get some time with them each year when we're here.
I even convinced Grammy to take a few family pictures of us before we headed to dinner that evening.
I'm trying to get a few more pictures of us as a family of 3 before our newest addition arrives.
(It's harder than you think... I'm always behind the camera!)

Goodbye my favorite beach, until next year!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Exciting Things...

We found out some exciting news this week...
News that explains while I've been feeling so sick lately...
Miss Mikenna is going to be a BIG sister!
Baby #2 is officially coming sometime in January 2013.
We haven't really been "trying," but we knew we were ready whenever it was meant to happen.
I can't wait to see this little punkin with a sibling. 
She can't wait to take care of the baby in Mommy's tummy.
I'm not quite sure she understands all that entails, but we've got 8 months to try our best to prepare her.
She will be an amazing big sister. 
She already loves her "baby brother sister" and kisses my tummy everyday.

We are getting excited to meet this little one already!