Wednesday, January 5, 2011


We typically get comments on 3 things when we are out with Mikenna:

1. Her big blue eyes (I'll take credit for those since daddy's are green) 
2. Her very curly and very blonde hair
3. The number one thing we hear is "wow, she sure has a lot to say!"

Since the day she was born little miss Mikenna has been a chatterbox. (wonder where she gets that from?) The nurses in the hospital commented on how noisy she was only hours after she was born. The only times I can think of where she isn't talking is when she first encounters a new situation (it takes her a few minutes to warm up), and when she is sleeping. She even talks herself to sleep. If we are out somewhere noisy, she just talks louder to make sure everyone can hear her. She definitely has her own language, I like to call it "Mikennish", but she is saying more and more understandable words everyday. Here are some of her "big girl" words at 14 months:

"beebee" = baby
"ball" = any round object
"oof-oof" = dog or any 4 legged creature resembling a dog
"bu-bu" = bye bye
"ny-ny" = ni-night
"choo" = shoes, or juice. I've messed that one up quite a few times.
"side" = outside
"kull" = pickle (I'm most proud of this one!)
"wassat?" = what's that?
"tay-tu" = thank you
"pees" = please
"dada irk" = Daddy's work, her answer anytime I ask her where Daddy is
"pi-ees" = pretties, aka hair bows, painted nails, jewelry
"meo" = milk
"otta" = water

We have lots of pictures of our little chatterbox in action, right from the beginning...

I feel sorry for Ryan when she REALLY starts talking... not sure he will get a word in at the dinner table between the two of us!


  1. Haha, I am so used to FB, I keep looking for the "like" button!
    SHE IS ADORABLE! I remember when Jacob first started talking we would mess up a lot of words but he spoke so much, it was hard to keep up!
    So glad you are blogging!!

  2. love that girl...and love your blog...and love you, of course :)
