Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Getting Started.... With a Walk.

Alright so I am finally starting a blog... after multiple requests and me responding "I wish I had the time," here I am. I decided this year my goal is not only to take 10,000 pictures a month as usual, but to document our daily activities and make lasting memories too.  Hopefully this will make it easier for all of those interested in seeing our little adventures, and everyone else on Facebook who isn't interested won't get Mikenna picture overload. (How can you NOT take pictures of that cute little face?) :) So here we go... first entry.

I truly enjoy my time home with my little more and more every day (and thank you, thank you, thank you to my handsome hubby who works so hard to allow me to do this!). The older Mikenna gets the more fun we have. She is able to experience and enjoy so many more things now, but sometimes the simple things are the most fun.

Mikenna has had a runny nose and we have been SO busy, so I really tried to take it easy with her yesterday in hopes that she wouldn't get sick (so far, so good). She was a happy camper until right after lunch when she brought me her shoes and said, "Mom... choo... side," which roughly translates to "Mom put my shoes on and let's go outside please!" (Yes, I assume she has fantastic manners). So, we bundled up and took a walk around our neighborhood. Although it was cold, it was a beautiful day- one of those days where the sky looks too blue to be real. We walked and walked until Mikenna's little legs were too tired to walk anymore. I love that she yells some not so understandable Mikenna verbiage the entire time she walks, as if she knows it's ok to use her "outside" voice. She points out everything and looks at me to make sure I'm paying attention to every word she says. Oh how I wish I knew what goes on in that little head of hers. I know the day is coming all too soon where taking a walk with mom around the block isn't the highlight of her day anymore, so I am holding on tight and treasuring these moments while I have them.

I love when moments like this are captured.

jalapeno joined in on the fun too
Our hound dog

Whenever we play outside we always have to color on the driveway with "ja cha" (translation: chalk) before we come inside. I don't think I've managed to sneak us in once lately without Mikenna begging to "ja cha" first. I'm not sure if she enjoys coloring or sorting the chalk more... but either way it makes her happy.

Funny how being outside becomes so much fun again when you're a mommy!

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