Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dear Blog,
Sorry I've been away so long.
I haven't been ignoring you, I swear...
I've just been buried in this:
Lots and lots of work...
But, lucky for me it's month end and for the next 3 weeks I get to spend my time looking at these cute little faces instead:

Oh, and this one too:
Can't forget about our first born!
So, blog, I promise more attention, more writing, and lots more pictures soon.
In the mean time I did capture a few pictures of our lazy day at home today...


Have I mentioned how much I love days at home?

1 comment:

  1. love the matching shoes!
    i saw the cutest hoodie in bremen today, i should have gotten it for nikenna. damn! when i go to paris in the spring she will for sure be getting some toddler couture :)
