Monday, February 7, 2011

Daddy's Girl

There are a few things I know for absolute certain that Mikenna LOVES:
1. Blankie. I'm pretty sure she will go to college carrying that thing.
2. Food. Honestly, have you seen the kid eat? If not, you should definitely come over for dinner sometime. The kid can put food down. She doesn't discriminate either really, the only thing I've found that she really won't eat is sweets (weirdo). 
3. Daddy. I think Daddy has been #1 on the list of favorite things right from the moment she was born, see:
That is my little peanut about 30 mins after she was born looking at her daddy. I had just put her into her hospital crib thingy to move to our room from the delivery room. Mikenna started to fuss and Ryan went over and started talking to her. She instantly stopped, looked up, and stared at her daddy with pure adoration. 
Melt my heart moment number 1.

Ryan has always had a way of calming our impatient little one. They've had this cute little bond since the day Mikenna was born, she just seems to know that she is safe with Daddy.

Now that missy is getting older, she LOVES to play with her Dada.
"Mom, dada go?" All day long....
I think because I grew up without my Dad, watching them together truly amazes me.
I love seeing her face light up when he comes home from work.
I love love love watching them interact and play.

They are pretty darn cute together.
While mommy is the one to kiss the boo-boo's and listen to the whining (lucky me), I'm pretty sure Daddy is her favorite playmate.

They melt my heart.


  1. my blankie is sitting right next to me :)
    anddd, kinda got teary with this post. first of all, it feels like yesterday when i got a text with the first pic...and also because you guys are just too damn cute!

  2. ok so jalen adores his blankies to. and i feel that he is going to go to college with em to!! hahah!! loved all the pictures!! all 3 of u melt my heart!!
