Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rainy Day

Today it looks like this outside:
Lots and lots of rain.
Normally, I'm a huge fan of the rain...
But with a very active toddler, I'm starting to dislike days we can't go outside.
Luckily I've got 2 munchkins for the morning who keep each other busy and happy...
And even better I've still got toys from Christmas that we haven't even opened yet!
(I'm a planner, can ya tell?)
We broke out the princess tent/ ball pit this morning for the first time :]
The girls loved it
Mikenna didn't want the balls in the tent, she brought me each ball one by one.
Eli brought the balls back in the tent one by one.
I love when they counteract eachother, and don't even notice :] 
It happens a lot!
Funny girls.
By the end of the day we all joined in the fun.
I hopped in of course,
Jalapeno saw balls and assumed this new toy was for him,
and Kenna decided naturally that her babies wanted to play too... "Baby paaay ball? Yeah!"
Gotta love new toys... Christmas in February!


  1. You guys are just too...too cute! Love your blog set up by the way...I need some pointers doll!!

  2. Love it! Makes me miss the munchkin. Let's plan that when ever there is a rainy day, I'll come over and we'll do something super fun, yeah?
