Monday, January 17, 2011

Park Day

My absolute hands down favorite thing to do on "mommy and Mikenna" days is go to the park. Partly because it wears my little energizer bunny out and she takes a great nap afterwards (always a bonus), but mostly because I love seeing how excited she gets just to be in the open space. Mikenna climbs on the play-structure for a while but mostly she is just happy to have so much grass to walk on (she has this fascination with grass, she will literally go out of her way to walk on grass anytime we are near it... strange kid.) We walk, and walk, and walk, and walk. We are lucky to live by several nice parks so when it's not raining we go several times a week. Something about seeing my baby get so excited when we pull up and she looks out the window... it just melts my heart.

Walking, walking, walking...

Mikenna loves to sort things into piles... including bark.


The end result.
 And back to the playstructure...

Such a fun day! Until next time...

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