Wednesday, December 7, 2011

2 Year Checkup

I procrastinated a bit on scheduling Mikenna's 2 year checkup.
I called 3 weeks before her birthday and her Dr. was booked for 2 months!
Apparently he's popular...
But we love him and if there is ever an emergency they see us immediately, so can't complain too much. 
Everything went great as usual at her appointment!

Age: 2 years, 1 month, 9 days
Height: 37 1/4 inches (99th percentile)
Weight: 28 lbs 6 oz (62nd percentile)

We always start preparing for her appt the day before, explaining what's going to happen.
That has seemed to work out very well for us, she is always happy and friendly while we are there.
I thought she was going to get some shots at this appt so I prepped her for that as well, but no shots this time, yay! (She was a bit sad about not getting a lollipop though.)
She was chatty as usual with the receptionist and the nurses, and was happy to strip down and read some books while we waited for the doctor.
The Dr. came in and did his quick check-up.
He is awesome, he does her whole check-up with her on my lap, she never even sits on the table.
As we already knew, she is healthy (and TALL!) as can be.
I have noticed lately she has been getting these bumps on her cheeks so I asked about those. It is a common issue that is caused by protein not breaking down correctly in the skin. He recommended a cream that will make it go away if you use it consistently but said it doesn't bother her or affect her at all, and we can choose to use it or not. We will get the cream and use it when she's older and aware of it. For now you hardly notice it anyway, and I think she's perfect even with her bumpy little cheeks.

Some fun things about Mikenna at 2:
The kid LOVES fruit. She would eat fruit all day long.
Actually, she'll eat just about anything. She is by no means picky and eats whatever you put in front of her.
She introduces herself as "Kenna," and finds the letter 'M' everywhere we go and says "a M for Kenna!" 
She knows just about every letter in the alphabet.
She has officially stopped calling me Maymi and Ryan Da-y, and now we are Mommy and Daddy (a little sad)
She has really started pretend play-she loves her babies and changes their diapers and feeds them often.
Her new favorite activity is play-doh, all. day. long.
She is still my outdoors/water baby. Rain or shine, the girl wants to be outside. On cold days we take mid-day baths so she can get her water fix.
The "terrible twos" have set in. But as much as I thought it would be rough, I love every minute of it. I love that she fights for what she wants, and that she is stubborn, and that she is strong-willed. These are great adult traits and even though it can be frustrating in the moment, every night I go to bed proud of my girl for standing up for what she thinks. She will be a very strong woman someday, and that makes me a very proud mama!

Life with a 2 year old is by no means easy, or glamorous, or fun all the time... but I wouldn't change it for the world. In those "I need to run away moments" I try to remind myself that someday I'm going to miss this, meltdowns and all. I'm soaking up each and every one of these moments knowing that before I blink she will be 3!

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